Thursday, June 28, 2012

When Technophobia Meets Tesla-Like Genius

In the past I have been accused of being old fashioned, stick-in-the-mud, some might even say anachronistic (although obviously no-one I work with, the word being a few too many syllables long).

However I try to work around what the youth of today are doing, if only to enable me to point and cackle "soon, my pretties, soon, your texting finger will be gnarled, your eyes too dim to play Angry Birds, and your ears too sensitive to cope with amusing ringtones...ahhh haaa haaaa haaa! (disappears in a puff of schaudenfreud).

But wait! What is the beautiful thing I found on the jolly old interweb? A thing of wonder, possibly driven by steam, which would not look out of place on the Time Machine...if all technology was made of brass and wood, I think the world would be a brighter place.
epic win photos - Laptop Mod WIN

Thursday, June 7, 2012

And thus proving the point....

Cat vs Human

In the interests of keeping everyone cheerful after a bank holiday weekend of rain, rain and more rain, please see the following website on Tumblr - for anyone with a cat, the attitude is very familiar:

Who hasn't looked at the cat in their life and known, absolutely KNOWN, that they might love us, but fundamentally they pity us and only put up with us because waiting for the rustle of a Whiskas pouch is a lot easier than cheesing it after a mouse.

The Cat and the blind cord