Thursday, May 31, 2012

Gawd Bless Ya Maarrrrmmm.

Will I never learn....
Even the most ardent Republican must the raising a quiet but heartfelt hooray for Her Madge this week - a four day weekend can take the edge off  the need for palace burning and La Marseilles. 

So Blighty prepares to don the bunting, hang out the flags, bake patriotic cakes and get drunk for two extra days - really anyone who doesn't think "ooh, no need for an early night on Sunday OR Monday!" is lying to themselves.

Thankfully, our little Canterbury backwater hasn't succumbed to Jubilee Street Party fever, I expect we shall all be stoically ignoring each other like normal, save for a strained smile and semi-wave/ salute if there are any accidental meetings in the street. Typically British one might say -  peace and quiet will reign supreme - much like the Queen.

So here's to Cabbage, her strange family, odd habits, weird clothes and backbone. See - she's just like us!

In the meantime, please refer to the lovely inkyfool, for the BEST word for what some folk may use the lie-in at the weekend for - anyone for Noddypoop!

Friday, May 25, 2012

House at the End of the Road

Alas, it is all over - House is no more; he has solved his last case of Lupus, poked his last lumbar punch and popped his last Vicodin - an era has ended.

For once, the last episode of a well loved series was treated well - no lame ending, no "will they won't they", just a near immolation, a death being faked, and a ride into the sunset - how very satisfying. Now leave me alone to weep and mourn...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Talkin' Bout a Heatwave!!!

Everything in the garden is rosy, or if not rosy when growing like a mutha. The Oregano and Marjoram are making a break for the patio, I have a Hazel tree growing where no tree has a right to be, and as for the lawn, well, it's gone bananas. Helpful Mr Handy mowed it last time, probably just in time, as the cat was barely visible.
Mmmm - eurovisalicious

Looks like lovely weather at the weekend - I have the Margate Soul Weekend to attend with Noodles, and then the wonder that is the Eurovision Song Contest! Husband is frantically looking for ways out of the house so he doesn't have to put up with the noise and shrieks of derision from yours truly, Mrs Noodles and Junior Noodles. Normally a programme featuring ghastly music, foreign caterwauling, terrible presenters, Jedward and Englebert "The Hump" Humperdink would be a one way ticket to the hills, but for once a year, pretensions of taste can be thrown aside and replaced with a  sparkly Union Jack bowler, a feather boa and the all important score card. Happy day.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Force Will be With You..Whether You Want it Or Not

I always had my doubts about the Emperor, primarily because a friend of mine once explained his very well thought out theory of why His Dark Naughtiness was actually gay and crazy mad for Luke. It seemed to revolve around a lot of lightsaber stroking and  innuendo.

Good to see then that the excellent SeeMikeDraw blog has come to the same conclusion....

(Disturbingly, I have just noticed that the words "lightsaber" and "blog" come up as misspelled. Mind you, in Microsoft Word "spreadsheet" isn't a real word either. The mind boggles......

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


After a couple of hours at the "fun" fair (I use the term loosely, as the participants all looked strange, the carneys were obviously creepy) I have come to the conclusion that fairs, circuses and any form of child/ adult crossover fun is just weird.

The fact that a scary man in the paedo-bility scooter was roaming the fair with (obviously) no desire or ability to go on any of the rides, just proves my point.

However, as promised, here's a selection of photos of other people enjoying the roller coaster - it takes all sorts to make a woooorrrrllllllldddddddd!
epic win photos - Peace Beyond Understanding WIN
Monktastic -ooooohhhmmmmm

epic win photos - Roller Coaster Photo WIN
oh a lovely cup of tea - how civilised.

epic win photos - Riding the Roller Coaster WIN

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It's a Little Late, but..

I present the further adventures of....Zombie Jesus!!!! Neat trick Zombie Jesus.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic